Promise of this practice course

This program comes with a solid promise

To achieve and accomplish big goals in your life, one needs immense determination and inner power. This practice session has been designed to give you precisely that.

By participating in daily practice of vision archived daily practice for goals creation.  (you will)

Promise 1:

By the end of 21 days of practice  – You will experience an immense  acceptance towards your mega goals, and any doubt, fear, worry/concern (towards goals) would start to disappear and your earlier mental state as ” Goal is tough or goals is difficult”, would  now change to possible, feasible and manageable.

Promise 2:

By the time you complete 66 days practice – You will experience an inner alignment ( the way you think, feel and express your goals) with the way you talk about your goals and you listen for your goals to happen. Any worry, doubts and fear would have reduced to a bare minimum level and you will develop practice to ignore it as if some minor disturbance and start to win over it. And taking action proactively towards your goals would becomes easy.

Promise 3:

By the time you complete 100 days practice – You will experience major alignment  in your thoughts, emotions, feelings and body sensations with your declarations and your actions.  Your actions will automatically move in the direction of y our goals. The big mega goals will appear possible, feasible and achievable. 

Promise 4:

By the time you complete 365 days of practice – you would have moved many miles in the direction of goals by taking actions with 100% belief that goal is achievable and you will experience immense joy and satisfaction from the journey you have taken to accomplish mega goals in your life. And your life will appear meaningful, leaving you with satisfaction and fulfillment.

The practices has been designed to transform your being – to look at your goals from a possibility that goals have already happened. And with daily routine, you will experience actions towards your goals becoming easy, simple, feasible, and achievable.

So if you are serious about your goals, come and join us and practice with us.

I invite you to join us for

21 days to form a simple habit to make goals happen

67 days to create a solid routine to cause your goals

101 days to form a deep-rooted habit

And 365 days for being the new habit as goals already accomplished.