Vision Achieved daily goals creation is all about practice practice practice.

Hi there,

Do you have goals for your life?

Do you have big dreams and big goals to be achieved in your life?

Yes! Many Congratulations to you,  because you have already taken the first big step towards your goal to make it happen.

Because in two minutes I will share with you how you are going to achieve all your goals.

Short term goals,

Midterm goals and

Long-term goals.

How this practice got created?

However, let me share my experience with goals. I am Pramod Deshmukh, and I live in Bangalore. In the year 2000, I traveled to United states, with one of my colleagues, on an assignment. And on our way to San Francisco, we talked on the plane. Then my friend asked, “So what would you like to do at the age of 50?”

I had no clue, so I asked a counter-question to my friend, “What would you like to do at the age of 50”?

My friend replied, “If I earn so many crores and one big house in Mumbai, I will take retirement from my job.”

And in response to his answer, I also created a reply, and I also DECLARED that, If I reach this many crores and four houses, I will also take retirement from the JOB life”.

That much I distinctly remember about that conversation.

Now fast forward 15 – 16 years, in 2015, the same friend and I were again working in another organization. We both were 50, and when we met, we reconciled and realized that both had overachieved much more than what we had declared 15 years ago.

At the same time, something had utterly changed inside me, and I did not want to work anymore, as if my subconscious mind had already taken retirement. As if a mission was accomplished, and it is enough.

At the first opportunity, I opted for a retirement program and came out of my job, and When I checked with my friend, he had also taken retirement and moved on.

So when I looked back, I realized that something remarkable had happened. Two persons declaring their goals and accomplishing them simultaneously can not be a coincidence. I did some deep study, and one life coach gave me a principle to ponder upon.

That principle is the foundation to achieve any goals.

It says Declaring Declaring -> Creates Creating. When you declare your goals to the universe and people around you hear your dreams/goals, they see you as a possibility of that goal, and you create a path to achieve goals, and your goals happen.

And instantly, I connected all my achievements and accomplishment to this principle.

And ladies and gentlemen,

Today I am an accomplished man. I have achieved many goals in my life. And at the same time, I created a methodology to practice – creating goals by writing every day and putting myself on the path to accomplish goals.

I shared this daily practice with a few friends, and they also joined me, and together we started creating our goals every day and shared our dreams. My friends began experiencing their goals moving in the right direction, and for a few friends, some unbelievable goals got accomplished, and they experienced fulfillment.

So we made it our daily practice.

As our practice crossed HUNDRED DAYS, we realized that our way to look at life had completely changed and become so play oriented and accomplishment oriented.

We meet every day and create our goals using this methodology. We call it “Vision Achieved.”

Right,  Vision achieved daily practice.

The methodology is simple. It is helping us achieve goals. However, the commitment to practice is key, because every member in the team is committed to practice every day, they caused transformation to achieve any goal.

So, if your goals are essential for you, you need that one beacon to put you on the path of achieving your goal, then take up this practice of creating goals in our group  – “Vision achieved.”  

Practice creating goals for 21 days, 67 days,  365 days.

This practice is suitable especially for people who are in a state of mind like

Maybe, or May not be,

I am not sure how it will happen,

I want it, but how to do it?

I want my goals, but then I don’t have money/time/resources/ will power

Or If you are hundred percent sure to accomplish your dreams and goals and need inner strength, you will undoubtedly benefit from this practice session.