
So, in case your goals are important to you and you are not able to figure out how to achieve your big goals, then this methodology is worth the try.

Let me share what we do,

Every morning,  we first create a clear space for our mind to be free from any fear, doubt, worries, miseries and laziness/lethargy.

And then , We create space for the mind to be receptive to accepting all goals.

Then, We declare our goals to the universe.

And before leaving the practice session, we joined together to develop Sankalp shakti – determination power to complete all our actions planned for the day.

This is the practice, and we meticulously follow every day, 365 days of the year, no holiday and off day.

Members of our group have achieved wide range of goals, ranging from financial freedom goals, recovery from losses, children going abroad for higher studies, preparation of competitive exams, writing books, and so.

So, if your goals are essential for you, you need that one beacon to put you on the path of achieving your goal, then take up this practice of creating goals in our group  – “Vision achieved.”  

Practice creating goals for 21 days, 67 days,  365 days.

This practice is suitable especially for people who are in a state of mind like

Maybe, or May not be,

I am not sure how it will happen,

I want it, but how to do it?

I want my goals, but then I don’t have money/time/resources/ will power

Or If you are hundred percent sure to accomplish your dreams and goals and need inner strength, you will undoubtedly benefit from this practice session.